Whats so special about the Ultimate $150,000 Car Wash

It is always a great idea to wash the car on a regular. If the Bugatti or Aston Martin is the car of choice then the round-the-way car wash just isn’t good enough. The Ultimate Shine Car Wash is the way to go and it happens to be the most expensive too.

The Scotland-based car wash company, Ultimate Shine, charges almost $160,000 for the cleanest of clean car washes. The wash includes a decontamination of the wheels and car’s body and gives it a very special shine. 

Owner Scott Wilkins does this ritual wash to some of his client’s cars at least three times a year. He cleans every inch/crevice of the car until it i sparkling and the shine is worth every single dollar. If it is that the car is not in the remote area, Wilkins will fly out to the car for a small fee and give it a shine at home. 

If $150,000 is too much for a car was, there is a very basic quick hand wash and dry for about $60. Maybe that’s more your speed.
Source: The Ultimate Shine

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